Monday, June 19, 2023

Dedication to Jesus and to Mary

O Eternal Word, you have shed your blood and laid down your life in order to give to our Petitions (according to your promise) the great power of obtaining as much as we ask; whilst we, O my God, are so careless of our salvation that we do no even wish to ask for graces that we need to be saved! The key to all our divine treasures you have handed over to us, with this means of Petition; whilst we, by refusing to ask, make the choice of remaining in our own misery! Then, O Lord, pour your light upon us and make us understand what power our Petitions have when they are made in your name and through your merits in the presence of your Eternal Father. 
It is to you that I dedicate this little book of mine, begging you to bless it. Bring it about that all those into whose hands it may come will be stimulated to constant Petition, and that they may use their influence to spur on others that they also may take advantage of this great means for their salvation.
Mary, Great Mother of God, to you also I recommend this little work of mine. Give it your protection, while at the same time obtaining this spirit of Petition for all those who shall read it, that they may seek aid from your Son and from you always and in their every need. For you are the dispenser of graces, and you are the Mother of Mercy; you do not know how to leave disconsolate anybody who goes to you for help. But on the contrary you are that powerful Virgin who obtains from God whatsoever your children ask.

To Jesus Christ―the Eternal Word.
Beloved of the Eternal Father.
Blessed One of God,
Author of Life,
King of Glory, 
Saviour of the World,―Alphonsus, a sinner, dedicates this work

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